The Weather and Everyone's Health
Friday, February 18, 2005
Jon Carroll says:
"It is true that Christianity involves a belief in the supernatural. I have no problem with that. I believe in, and have experienced, transcendence. I believe in grace. However you want to explain grace, and the miracles you have experienced, is just fine with me. I only have a problem when you tell me I must believe what you believe. Religion as religion, swell; religion as politics, not so fine. "
Personally, I don't think that believing in or experiencing grace or miracles requires a belief in the supernatural. As for transcendence, I'm not exactly sure what he means by that. That's all I'm saying.
Wednesday, February 09, 2005
Starbucks: Everything that's wrong with the world today, or at least the US.
So I'm in a Starbucks. Usually I avoid these places like the plague, but I thought "Maybe I'm not giving them a fair chance. How bad can it be? Besides, they have wireless internet access."
So today I had some time after an interview and I decided to get a cup of coffee and a little lunch and hang out on the internet.
OK, first of all, not only does the selection of vegetarian sandwiches at Starbucks SUCK, but have you ever looked at the nutritional information? OH MY GOD. The fresh mozzarella sandwich has 680 calories and 32% of your recommended daily allowance of fat. That is ridiculous. I now believe the statistic that a crappiatoccino or whatever has as many calories as a big mac.
And you know what else?
The free wireless internet access isn't really free. You have to have a t-mobile account. There's a "free trial" but they will still bill you (eventually?) for at least $6. Bastards.
So there's really no reason ever to go into a Starbucks unless you're starving and freezing or it's some kind of emergency. The food is bad for you (and it doesn't even taste that good), it's noisy and full of stupid infuriating business people talking bullshit to each other(well, I *am* in the financial district) and the internet is regulated.
You know what it is? It's commodified. That's what bothers me so much; that's what I resent. Even the nice decor and nice music--it's commodified. They are trying to commodify the sweet, innocent, guileless voice of Norah Jones. THAT'S JUST WRONG.
And I don't see a recycling bin here. And I don't see the word "organic" anywhere, let alone Fair Trade. Oh my god, I paid for and drank non-fair-trade coffee. I might as well eat a baby now.
Yes, I'm from Berkeley. What's your point?
Anyway, for more on what's wrong with the US, I highly recommend Adam's blog: http:// . It gets a little violent at times, but he's pointing to the important things.
How could you screw veterans and gut Head Start??????? What? Why? Oh God, why? Soylent Green is people!! I should call Barbara Boxer and tell her she's got great balls and should lay her body down in front of this budget. Oh, and I can call Barbara Lee and tell her the same thing.
Barbara Lee speaks for me! Or at least she did when I lived in Berkeley...hmm...
Oakland's not *that* far from Berkeley, is it?