The Weather and Everyone's Health
Thursday, August 05, 2004
Hands across the water

Berkeley sure is autumnal in the summer. Fog in the morning, fog in the evening, sometimes overcast all day. Gray. Though we’ve had sun in the afternoon the last two days, and I think I almost saw the sunset today. But the leaves turn early here, too. Sometimes the overall effect is exciting with a “back-to-school” aura, but other times it’s just drab.

In other news, I think I’m going back to classical music. The other day someone had the kitchen stereo tuned to our local classical station (I gave up on it some years ago because it’s commercial i.e. it has commercials and a limited playlist: elevator Mozart and Baroque stuff) and I really enjoyed it. I enjoyed to an extent far beyond that to which I was able to enjoy The Beatles' Revolver earlier the same day. There’s just more texture and more harmony. I mean, I like Revolver a lot, but I guess a diet of only pop/classic rock just won’t do it for me. And I’m getting fed up with our oldies station’s short playlist, also. I swear, it’s the same 10 songs every hour.

EXCEPT yesterday or two days ago I was listening to it and I heard a song I had never heard before. The beginning part was kind of blah, but sounded classic rock-y, with some gimmicky stuff and pseudo-sensical lyrics—so it reminded me of the Beatles, but I was pretty sure it wasn’t the Beatles. Then the second half was really catchy.
I looked it up and it turned out to be “Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey” from Paul McCartney’s solo album Ram. Wow, pretty cool. A song on the radio that I liked and had never heard before that’s been around for 30-odd years. Say what you want about Paul McCartney, but he could write a catchy tune. I much prefer the “Admiral Halsey” section—and the whole song *does* sound very 1971—but it was so catchy I downloaded it and have just finished listening to it for the third time. I guess I will have to add Band on the Run to my list of albums-I-want-to-hear/buy.

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