The Weather and Everyone's Health
Friday, April 01, 2005
Hi everybody!
Well, I worked Wednesday and Thursday in San Franciscothis week and the super-good news is that they liked what I did and they need the same thing done at their Oakland facility, so I'll be working Monday and Tuesday next week. It was data entry in Excel. Not interesting, but the good news is that because of my high typing speed and decent results on my Excel test, I was qualified. Plus it didn't require so much concentration that I couldn't listen to NPR on my headphones. My co-temp had an ipod that he was listening to. You know, Phillip.
I'm sure something will go wrong. Maybe they'll forget to pay me or lose my timesheet or after the withholding taxes
In case that isn't shocking enough, I think I'm actually going to do this week's Friday Five. Yes, today IS Friday! But it IS also April first...
here's the question:written on an empty stomach. name five snacks that your mind immediately turns to when the need or opportunity arises.brought to you by Rob.
These are the things that come to my mind when I'm hungry; it might be if I had to run out the door without breakfast, or if I've been tied up with stuff and missed lunch or dinner and it's late. This is what I start fantasizing about:
1. Toast. When I'm snacky I want toast. It's quick, it's in the house(usually), it's warm and crunchy and carbtastic. mmmm, carbs. So satisfying and good for producing serotonin! And soaking up stomach acid. Toast with butter; toast with cream cheese; toast with butter and dal mot, toast with butter and jam, toast with cream cheese, toast souffle, toast etouffe, creamed chipped veggie beef on toast, etc. etc. or--BAGELS! mmm, bagels....bagels with butter, bagels with jam, bagels with cream cheese+tomato+cucumber, pizza bagels...
2. Pizza. mmm, pizza. Real pizza from a pizza place, or pizza toast/english muffin. It's just like toast but with two of my other favorite things: tomato sauce and cheese.
3. cheapo quesadilla. I used to make these late at night at the co-op before I started watching my weight. Cheddar and/or pepper jack and jalepenos. mmm. Even better if you stick it in the toaster instead of microwave (but you have to make sure no one's looking because everyone gets mad if you get cheese on the heating element) because then it's crispy outside.
4. Chinese takeout. If it's good, it's got crunchy bits, and spicy bits and sweet and sour bits and there's rice so that's carbforting and it's hot and sticks to your ribs. mmm-mmm. I realize that "Chinese food" is no more of a culinary entity than "curry" and that Hunan, Szechuan, Mandarin and Mongolian etc. cuisines are each art forms when practiced by masters--I mean no insult to these. But I'm talking about cheap takeout. Though I wish it were cheaper.
5. I guess some sort of pastry like a danish or very rarely a donut. This happens usually if I'm very very hungry and in a hurry and a bagel isn't available.
Most of these things are baaad for you, so I try to have them rarely, but not never. I guess with the pizza and Chinese I would say I have them occasionally. Pizza unfortunately as frequently as once a week and Chinese on average maybe every couple of weeks, though sometimes it's longer in between. Toast I have for breakfast most days, but I try to have only one or two pieces and to stick to wheat toast with at least 3 g fiber/serving and to use only a moderate amount of butter or cream cheese (Neufchatel).
The other Friday Fivers can be found here.