The Weather and Everyone's Health
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Hope for Rajan.

Found this via an email from Badmash (is it just me, or is the comic less funny since the character got married and the strip went to a weekly 4-panel format?).

Anyway, there is a nation-wide bone marrow donor drive for South Asians. Last time I gave blood I think I put myself into the national bone marror registry, and today I updated my contact information at the National Marrow Donor Program. If you are of South Asian descent, I urge you to attend one of these donor drives if you can, and to pass the message along to other people you may know. Being registered as a donor puts you under no obligation.

I remember a few (10?) years ago there was a similar problem because there weren't sufficient donors of African descent, and there was a story in Reader's Digest about a girl who had leukemia and couldn't find a donor. She died, but the good news was that because of the publicity her case created about the lack of African-American donors led to an increase in African-American donors and in fact a year(?) later Reader's Digest ran a story about a girl whose leukemia was cured because of a donor. The donor's courageous journey was also described. Hey, it was Reader's Digest after all. (And then they were all chased by a secular gay shark when their boat capsized.)

Questions about being a marrow donor? Look here. Did you know if you have a baby, you could also donate your cord?

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