The Weather and Everyone's Health
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Quick job-hunt-related thoughts.

1. The career counselor was helpful. She gave me the kind of advice I needed on my resume, and also a better sense of what to expect when job hunting. Also, she alerted me to an upcoming (as in "the next day") job fair and showed me how to search the list of prospective employers who would be at the fair. That was good because if I hadn't looked at the list I might have either not gone at all, or gone and not known what to look at/for. It turned out that there were more possible employers for me than I expected (i.e. greater than zero). Some of the companies/organizations I had targeted from my pre-screen turned out not to have the kind of opening I was looking for (I don't want to do sales if I can avoid it), but there were some definite leads. I have already had two interviews as a result, and I have another one coming up next week. This is good news. Also, it was really a nice feeling to be courted and recruited by prospective employers at the job fair. That was completely and bizarrely opposite of any other thing I have done in my job search.
Finally, the last good thing about the job fair was that I realized that the student/volunteer leadership positions I have held really were a good thing career-wise even though they weren't in my field because they show prospective employers that I have leadership and management experience and so two of the positions I'm interviewing for are director/manager positions right away. Good good good. cross your fingers for me.

2. I want a job. You know why? So I can have my own desk. Where I'm temping now I get to use the cubicle of the person who usually does this job. I would love to have my own cubicle. Look at this! It has a desk and a computer and a table and its own trash can and walls! Wow. I want one. !

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