The Weather and Everyone's Health
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
What's your spiritual type?

So, I was googling for a nice blurb from the Pope on consumerism/materialism (esp. as he relates it to sexual morality) and I came across this website, BeliefNet. (more info here, thanks to JF)

How weird. Ok, maybe not that weird in a world of Cornerstone Mega-Churches [Thanks again to JF] and whateverall. I mean on the one hand it's weird because it's a commercial site for, you know, religious and spiritual stuff. I find that a little icky in general, especially given how certain religious groups that we won't name have all kinds of strange influence and bedfellows in this country. But on the other hand, I skimmed the site and it seems to be pretty fair and balanced. Fer reelz, yo! So that's cool. I even found stuff that I could related to and didn't make me twitch. In fact, on the quiz "What's your spiritual type?" I actually found some answers offered that I could agree with (though in some cases the phrasing of the questions was somewhat unsympathetic to atheists and there wasn't much discussion of meditation or other mindfulness techniques as spiritual practices). There was even someone on one of the discussion boards who identified as a Buddhist Humanist, which is about what I've been calling myself (well, a Buddhist-Humanist-Atheist/Agnostic, though I'm sure my family will get on my case about the Buddhist part)

ANYWAY....they have a quiz. Take it! I dare you!

Here's what I came up as:

Active Spiritual Seeker – Spiritual but turned off by organized religion

Post your results on your blog or in my comments. I think some of the questions would actually make for great discussion topics and to have them multiple-choice is only slightly bizarre. I guess this is really just another result of [what's it called?] you know, that thing where they put everyone in a demographic/cultural box (like "Blueblood estates") so they can market things to them. Hmm. Ick.

But I wonder what the Belief-O-Matic is? That looks somewhat entertaining...

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