The Weather and Everyone's Health
Monday, May 16, 2005
Bay to Breakers.
San Francisco's 12k (7.4 mile) footrace. I finished 2170th place, though I'm not sure if that's overall or in my division (the serious seeded runners were in another division); there were 65,000 entrants this year. It was fun. I didn't know about the flying tortillas or the salmon. My finishing time was 2 hours and 42 minutes, but that includes the time we were waiting in line for the portajohn, so it's probably a little closer to 2hours and 22 minutes. Still, not too bad: about 3+ miles/hour. My running pace is a little more than 4 miles/hour and we alternated walking and running. I can't keep up the running pace for more than a mile or two at the most.
I think I could probably run all of a 5k with a reasonable finishing time if I practiced for it.
General photos here. My official photo won't be online for a couple of days yet.