The Weather and Everyone's Health
Monday, June 20, 2005
I have a job interview!

It'll be next Monday, so don't bother me then. The job is an (almost) full-time (with benefits!)research assistant job at a speech and hearing lab and I'm familiar with all the software that they ask for familiarity with. This could be a good thing.

Pros: They're specifically recruiting Cog Sci grads, it's full time with benefits, I am interested in language, and there are related labs working on more neuro-type research. 4-days a week means an extra day off to do dishes or errands or whatever.

Cons: It's in Martinez, so I'd have to get a car, probably; they don't mention brains anywhere on the website and I'm interested in brains and language. I'm not sure to what extent I'll be able to get the experiences and skills I'll need later in grad school and in my own research. I mean I know that lab rotations in grad school often provide a lot of that, but if you know what you want to do, why not get experience in that as soon as you can?

So, I'll go into the interview and see what I can find out. It might be great, or I might pick up warning signs that let me know it's not right. This is actually a much better situation for interviewing than when you know you would love the job if you could just get it. Then you try too hard to impress your interviewer and get nervous. They can smell it and it turns them off.

In the meantime, I need to check-in with several places that would be closer to my interest but don't currently have openings and see what I can find out before I commit myself.

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