The Weather and Everyone's Health
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Ok, soooo....

I was debating about posting this next item, but then I remembered that my grandmother is not likely to check my blog in the next couple of months.

Ok, so in the carpool this morning there was an ad on the radio for an osteoporosis awareness calendar featuring a bunch of "fit, fabulous, over-fifty" women (The Bone Divas) and sponsored by something called iVillage. I couldn't remember the URL, so I googled "Bone Divas." It turns out that the caledar is co-sponsored by drug companies (shudder), including GSK.

But what is this iVillage thing? I went to to find out. I thought "maybe it has to do with the Village Voice, or needing a whole village to raise a child or something." WRONG. Apparently is a website portal to the content of a number of magazines, including Redbook and Cosmo. As many of you know from my sweetheart's agonized tales of trips to Safeway with me, I find Cosmo to be an amusing source of sexual information. And contains an archive of articles on such topics--not only from Cosmo, but also similar sources. Unfortunately, most of it is specific to heterosexual intercourse in superficial relationships, BUT some of it is more general, and if you have ever wondered what positions facilitate female orgasm, this is a website for you!

There. Now I've done my part for osteoporosis awareness.

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