The Weather and Everyone's Health
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
I didn't really feel anti-xmas before, but yesterday I came into work and found a gift from one of my co-workers. Homemade chocolate chip cookies with walnuts in a festive-but-hip tin. She had made some for everyone--the cute tins were all over, including on my boss's desk. What a slap in the face!

I was not planning to give my co-workers or boss gifts because I didn't think I really knew them well enough, but I had thought perhaps I would do a little baking this week if I had time. I don't have time! WTF was I thinking??? Now I have to come up with *something*. I would hate to get something cheap and impersonal, but I think that is all I have time and resources for. So I will feel like a shmuck: "My regard for you can be translated into a $5 Trader Joe's gift card."

And let's not talk about xmas cards. I was planning to send a few thoughtful messages to people I want to stay in touch with, but if I'm including professional contacts my list is about to spiral out of control.

This has all made me realize that a War on Christmas just isn't enough. No. What we need is a Jihad on Christmas. Unfortunately, I am now too busy buying lame gift cards to launch one (also I don't want my blog to be mysteriously unavailable).

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