The Weather and Everyone's Health
Friday, December 09, 2005
I guess as long as I'm blogging I could do a Friday Five:

here's the question:It's getting close to New Year's Resolution time (at least it is as I'm posing the question), and that's got me thinking about having better habits. What are five things you think you should be doing every day but aren't?brought to you by Dan.

Ohh...I don't want to answer that. Bo-rrring! Where are all the weird questions with aliens and virtual reality and really long intros from Gord?

Ok, ok.

1. Workout regularly (not necessarily daily, but at least 3x/week).
2. Make a prioritized to-do list in alignment with my personal mission statement (daily). Fer reelz! And make a budget (weekly/monthly).
3. Cook home-made food.
4. Stay in touch with and arrange to spend time with friends (weekly basis, again, not daily).
5. Make contacts for jobs and grad school.

Please note that these are not my actual resolutions.

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