The Weather and Everyone's Health
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Well, I thoroughly enjoyed this article from (ok, you have to watch an ad to see it, sorry):

The Jesus symbol, the witch and the wardrobe
The religious right is hyping "The Chronicles of Narnia." But just how Christian is C.S. Lewis' masterpiece?
By Laura Miller

"Dec. 7, 2005 These are antsy days for anyone who has loved C.S. Lewis' "Chronicles of Narnia." Even people with unambivalent memories of the series have reason to be apprehensive about the new big-budget film of "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe." How often has the screen version of a magical world you passionately entered into as a child lived up to your own imaginings? But those of us who fell for Narnia without realizing the books' Christian subtext have particular reason to be unsettled. The movie is poised to flush us out: Can we still cherish the books without believing in their most obvious message? Will we still enjoy them after critics remind us of their flaws and unsavory organizations embrace them as pious family fare? Will we still feel like reading them to our own kids?"

My thoughts and fears exactly, only more cogent and articulate than I would have put them. I guess that's why we have professional writers.

You can also follow the links at the end of the article to some fascinating other articles, like one about the personal and professional friendship between Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkein, and one on Tolkein and Romanticism vs. Enlightenment philosophy by David Bain. I thoroughly enjoyed both of those also, but I am not posting the links here because I value your productivity, even if you don't!

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