The Weather and Everyone's Health
Monday, April 24, 2006
News You Can't Use
1. Today is Barbra Streisand's birthday! I'm sure she would love a note from you, so click here.
I guess people have forgotten the campy fun that Yentl can be, or maybe I'm just not inviting enough people who like to watch celebrities cross-dress. In any case, next year I will maintain an annual observance because traditions are important, but I will feature something other than Yentl (like this?) Or maybe I will just invite more people who like watching celebrities cross-dress. Saturday was also Earth Day.

2. Sumana and Leonard got married! He proposed on his blog and she answered in kind. I know it sounds geeky, but these are people whose primary means of communication are probably new electronic media, so that was probably the most sincere way for them to do it.

(I can't accurately say that Sumana is a close personal friend of mine, but we had been hanging out more and more until she decided to screw that up by moving to New York for a fantastic career opportunity. She was just a year ahead of me at Cal, I think.)

What else? Well, I'm trying not to be down about the fact that I'm neither bilingual nor experienced in bookkeeping software or SAS/SPSS, nor do I have 12 Early Childhood Education credits, nor do I have a teaching credential, and I also do not have more than a year to commit. So I might as well go to grad school, except now I'm scared I won't get in. My GRE scores were good, though. yarrgh.

I was offered a full time, 4-week, very well paying temp job and I have taken it, but with mixed feelings. I need to focus on the least profitable thing I'm doing now, which is my lab work, because I think that is what's going to help me most with my long-term goals (such as getting into grad school). It's counterintuitive, I know. What I really need is a steady part-time gig, but you can see in the paragraph above why it's not as easy as I had hoped.

Happy Monday. I wonder if that guy who writes Get Fuzzy really does have a video game addiction or something, because his writing is so inconsistent. I really wish he'd get a collaborator, because I always admire his artwork and how he pushes the format.

Next time (which I probably won't get to) I'd like to bring your awareness to the War On Body Hair.

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