The Weather and Everyone's Health
Friday, May 26, 2006
Important Intangible Cultural Property No. 13
So on my lunch hour, I walked toward the Ferry Building and in the little plaza by the funky-assed fountain and I saw a bunch of people with drums in costumes assembling. I grabbed a slice and soda nearby and sat to watch. At precisely 12:30 I heard the drumming begin and two people dressed as black blobby things pantomimed fighting. Or something. This was followed by two people in man-and-woman masks doing a courtship pantomime. And then there were two bad guy with ugly (but human) masks who brandished (wooden) swords at the audience and then at the couple.

Finally I got an explanational brochure and learned that what I was watching was a sort of Korean Commedia dell'Arte, Gwanno Mask Drama. In Korea this is designated "Important Intangible Cultural Property No. 13." Who knew? What a strange thing to walk into without any context. Before I received the brochure I wasn't 100% sure it wasn't a political protest of some sort (although the longer I watched, the more sure I was). I was pleased with myself for correctly suspecting that the display was Korean in origin because the drummers' hats and the man-and-woman characters' robes reminded me of the costumes in Dae Jang Geum (of which I saw three consecutive episodes this week. It's on KMTP 32 at 9pm).

I guess I can understand why it's a protected activity, since even without words or culture-specific references, the "story" was understandable and relate-able-to. Except for the "dancing" black blobs (Jangja Mari, as it turns out) part, the audience knew when to laugh, when to pretend to be scared, etc. I guess like Commedia dell'Arte it draws on certain archetypes--not universal, but frequent?--that are part of the human experience across a low common denominator. I don't know if what I just said makes sense, but my other comment is that I wonder if this particular dance/story was influenced by the spread of the Ramayana, since a main point in the story is the heroine's abduction and subsequent struggle to prove her innocence. After my visit to the Asian Art Museum I wouldn't be surprised--the story did move quite far through Asia.

In other news, I'm a little sad to be leaving this place. It's my third leaving-a-job since January, and the people and working conditions here have been the nicest I've found. Unlike the other two times, this time I'm leaving because I found a new job, and I'm starting in Tuesday. I'll say more after I've signed the HR papers. Scary stuff--this job is part-time and doesn't pay as much. I really will miss this office, which is weird.

Ok, so this time it really is Friday, right?

For your amusement and enlightenment:

Wednesday, May 24, 2006
It's still not Friday???
So I finished reading TDVC, and I have posted my impressions in the comments section of the last post (prompted by the handsome and charming Mr. BG). If you haven't read the book yet and want to be surprised, read those comments at your own risk. I tried to avoid major spoilers, but I might have slipped something in inadvertantly.

In other news:

Saturday, May 20, 2006
One more thing
This weekend I am finally going to read The Da Vinci Code. I got a copy for my birthday and have been meaning to read it. If you tell me anything about it before I'm done, I'll kick you in the shins.

I wish iTunes would finish re-installing itself already!

All this blank space at the top is really getting on my nerves. You may have noticed that a while ago I changed the width of the text box, but that didn't solve the problem.

Friday, May 19, 2006
Friday Flashes

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Monday, May 15, 2006
More Assorted NewsFlashes
Ok, in no particular order (think Tim Goodman's Crankypants columns):

Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Today's Motley Updates,5033,s6-51-55-0-6406-2-2X5X9-4,00.html,5033,s6-51-0-0-203,00.html

Tuesday, May 09, 2006
A Quarter Century
Well, no Housman this time, and no reflective thoughts coming to mind at the moment. It's sunny outside, I'm pretty happy, and I'm having lunch with someone whose company I consistently enjoy.

So far I have received 3 e-cards, 1 e-mail and 2 phone calls :-) I am getting a present but I don't know what it is...oooh, the mystery! The suspense! I actually have not been able to wrestle out even a clue.

I have to tutor tonight until 8, so I'm not doing any partyish thing, though I may later.

I should mention that I am now the proud owner of half a car! It's a white Corolla that we drove back from LA yesterday (stopping to visit Solvang, the Danish Capital of America, which features the Hans Christian Andersen museum). It gets excellent gas mileage--we went more than 350 miles without having to fill up, and the tank takes 10 gallons. I feel like my math must be wrong somewhere, but there you go. The engine is still in its "break-in" period, so driving it up from LA was probably not the best thing to do, but we tried to follow the guidelines in the owners manual, such as driving slowly and gently when possible, avoiding hard stops and sudden accelerations, and not towing a trailer.

It feels strange to get a car when gas prices are so high and I have some philosophical issues with cars, but on the other hand there are times when having a car is really necessary for independence and productivity. I'm going to try to use it only moderately and walk, bike or take transit when possible. Still working on a name for it. Leaning toward Chester, for no good reason (nickname: Chet?).

If time, more about the weekened later.

Friday, May 05, 2006
Well, I started a LJ
It will be about job/career stuff, not why chocolate chip scones should be criminalized. I will occasionally link from here to there, but not vice versa.

You may wonder why I chose to do this and if I really have time to. Well, I try to answer some of that in my first post. The good news is that I actually made some similarly-themed posts to my tribe blog which I'll be copying and pasting over to the LJ. If you want to see the tribe profile, it's here. (should work without needing a login).

Yeah, I know it's boring to you. That's why it's a separate blog.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Animated News
1. Finally got around to reading last week's interview with Matt Groening over at The Onion AV Club. There are going to be 4 new direct-to-DVD feature-length Futurama movies! !!! Now that's something to look forward to. (Be careful reading the interview, since he's clearly jerking the interviewer around at some points. Perhaps he's doing so less clearly at other points?)

2. Of course, saw the trailer for the Simpsons movie a few weeks ago. Tantalizing and worrying. How many TV shows do you know that made a successful transition to feature-length movie? Sure, the Wild Dingleberries or whatever probably did pretty well at the box office, but that is not what I'm talking about and you know it. These things can be so disappointing--in direct proportion to how much you like the show. On the other hand, from the interview and his track record it sounds like the movie wouldn't be made unless they really had ideas for what to do with it. It will be interesting to see to what extent they spoof movie conventions and history since they do so much of that in the show already. (Just realized it doesn't seem to be coming out until 2007; the suspense will probably kill me).

3. Alison Bechdel said she'd have the new DTWOF comic up on her blog today, but it's not up yet. Hopefully it will be soon. An exhibition at the Cartoon Art Museum in SF is be featuring her work. I have been wanting to visit that museum for some time now, and the exhibit looks very interesting. It closes June 1st, and May is going to be a busy month for me. Hope I make it.

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