The Weather and Everyone's Health
Friday, June 09, 2006
Updates for July 9
Wow, has it been two weeks?
What is going on, you want to know?
- Running: Last week was kind of a bust with just 1 half-assed run. This week was better with 2 regular runs and 1 shorter run. Plus I managed to do some core and upper body strength work, and I feel like it's helped my posture. Would like to keep that up. Would like to buy some small handweights.I don't think I'll be ready to run a 5k by July 19th, so now my goal is to lose 6 pounds by then. I am also aiming to improve overall muscle tone, but I don't know how to really measure it, so I can't state it operationally. I think when I am able to run my entire morning route without stopping (probably about 1.5 miles) then I will start seriously training for a 5k. Hopefully I will be ready for one in September or August.
- We have our tix for Chicago. We're leaving late Weds the 12th of July and coming back early the 23rd.
- Car: Is going to be up to 1500 miles on its odometer by the end of the day today. I think I'm going to get my bike fixed so I can bike some of the distances--some of them are only a couple of miles, and it's annoying to have to wait for the bus or look for parking instead of just getting up and going. And I understand it's pretty rare to get a parking ticket on a bike.
Seen, Heard, and Tasted:
- I saw a pelican circling Lake Merritt today on my way to my car. I'm not sure I had seen one IRL before. Kinda cool.
- Last week I heard a song on the radio* called "Ska Voovee Boobie, Baby." I am not making this up!
- WXPN is cool--it's like a public KFOG but without the lame 80's music. That's where the World Cafe comes from, but unfortunately, when you download World Cafe podcasts they don't play whole songs--only clips from the in-studio interview set, and none of the other songs. Stupid copyrights 'n stuff. Anyway, I was streaming them at work today and they were having a pledge drive, but it was actually the most exciting pledge drive I've ever heard. The volunteers would clap and cheer when the phone rang, and the race to meet a challenge grant with 3 minutes left was as good as a heart-warming sports movie ("We just need 10 more people to call in and pledge $75. That's 9 people and YOU!") So, it CAN be done--and without Riverdance (or that stupid Buble ("boo-blay") boy).
Future tastings:
- Tonight we are scheduled to see the "A Prairie Home Companion" movie. Lily Tomlin and Meryl Streep and a bunch of other cool people--what's not to like? (JF--don't answer. thx)
- I am hoping to see Alison Bechdel read in San Francisco next Tuesday, or die trying! And who knows, maybe I will try to see her again on Weds in Oakland. By the way, if anyone wants to buy me her new book, please feel free!
Ok, I guess I should try to do some actual things. ttfn.