The Weather and Everyone's Health
Friday, November 03, 2006
New Experiences
Today I de-fragged my laptop. I just wanted everyone to know. That's about my third time, I think. Currently trying to un-install some stupid things and after that I hope to re-install the anti-virus software I got from the University. Then after that I will consider downloading and installing the new version of iTunes.
The Brian Eno lecture on Radio 3 was somewhat interesting, but after that they played random bits of Thai radio. I don't really know what to say about that. It was kind of cool at first, but then there was too much switching-among-stations effect.
Just part of a normal Friday night; also went to a free string quartet concert on campus and ran into my research supervisor and her husband. None of us knew anyone else there, so we spent the whole intermission chatting, and now I'm depilating and (theoretically) writing emails about grad schools.
I'm starting to think maybe I should move this blog to livejournal because then it would be easier to stay in touch with my peeps who are over there, gently increase the readership, and I like LJ features like being able to tag entries. Plus I've never seen a layout problem over there like the one I have here.
More importantly, today I tried Marmite for the first time. I was meeting my classmate for

Of course the question remains: Why eat something so intimidating? Apparently it is a good source of B12, Folic Acid, Thiamin, Niacin and Riboflavin (hey, that covers all the coenzymes you need, right?). Well, that's useful! B12 is one of those things they try to scare vegetarians and vegans with, but I have not been frightened, but I have wondered if eating more would do me good. So perhaps I will buy some Marmite of my own and put it into rotation. Hmm, I wonder if there are any recipes for Marmite and kale...then I would be unstoppable! If I could find any kale here, that is.