The Weather and Everyone's Health
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Rain that's not kidding

Yesterday when I was tutoring it started to come down very hard, and there was a bit of thunder and lightning. It sounded like a bucket of ping-pong balls on the roof of the solarium where the older kids were doing A-level biology. At times it was so heavy that we could only laugh in amazement, but to the kids' credit they mostly stayed focused. And lucky for me, somehow it had all stopped and started to clear by the time I had to go out and catch the bus.

This morning when I first got up it was dark like the evening because of the clouds, though it's gotten lighter. There was much rolling (rather than booming) thunder in the early hours. And just buckets and buckets of rain: fascinating to watch as long as you don't have to go out in it. and of course now it's slowed and stopped. After I finish the last of last week's reading I will probably head to the gym, then figure out what I need to do for this coming week and get started on that. The nice thing about GRE reports is that you can order them by phone 7 days/week (though not 24 hrs).

The painting above is another reason to love the BBC website; I went there to check the weather to see if I could find stats about e.g. inches of rain, and they had a link to "painting the weather," where they have visual art depicting different kinds of weather. This one is Boar Lane, Leeds by John Atkinson Grimshaw (click the link to see it bigger).

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