The Weather and Everyone's Health
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Facts and Speculation
So after I tutored today, I got my £24 in cash and went off into the day. By the time I got home I had only £4-5 left; very sad. Lest you think me frivolous, spending was as follows:

Sad. Was planning to use it frivolously and go into Central London tomorrow. Will still go, but am not sure where and to do what. Will perhaps wander around St. Paul's and walk over Millenium Bridge to Southward--briefly saw the Globe and Tate Modern when I visited the Frost Fair at the end of the term in Dec. and would like to return.

*Oh, I'll tell you about the stamps later.


This morning I noticed a sore spot on my nose, about where I guess the bridge of my glasses might rest if I wore glasses (and they didn't have nosepads). Have I been leading a secret life as a mild-mannered superhero in my sleep? Then later today, I was in my bathroom because it has a sink where you can get water to drink. In fact I saw myself drinking in the mirror, and the upper rim of the mirror hit about the spot where my nose is sore, but I don't remember conking myself in the face with a mug recently. Did I do it in my sleep? Sometimes I do get up and have a drink of water at night, but I think I would remember if I "hurt" myself in the process. Hmmm.

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