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Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Valentine's Day Round-up

1. An archeological loooove story : Scientists said they are determined to remove and preserve together the remains of a couple buried 5,000 to 6,000 years ago, their arms still wrapped around each other in an enduring embrace...The plot will then be transported for study before being put on display in an Italian museum, thereby preserving the world's longest known hug for posterity....More importantly, it will give scientists a chance to figure out what was has become one of Italian archaeology's greatest mysteries: the first known Neolithic couple to be buried together, hugging...Was it a sudden death? A ritual sacrifice? Or maybe they were prehistoric, star-crossed lovers who took their own lives.
Awww, isn't that sweet. Unless it was some kind of human sacrifce/post-mortem posing. Or, as one reader wrote, "Maybe it is eternal hatred that had them locked together in a death grip."
2. Writing about romance can be a disaster.

3. A sliver of light on an overcast day: County clerks across Northern California plan to express their support for same-sex marriage Wednesday, when same-sex couples appear at marriage license counters -- as they have in a nearly decade-old annual Valentine's Day protest -- to request a license and be denied.
In Yolo County, clerk Freddie Oakley will give the couples a "Certificate of Inequality."
"I issue this Certificate of Inequality to you," the document reads, in part, "Because your choice of marriage partner displeases some people whose displeasure is, apparently, more important than principles of equality."
"This is my fifth year as county clerk and the fifth year in which I will be refusing marriage licenses to people of the same gender," Oakley said. "It gets harder every year."
Full story here .
3.5 Since when are you supposed to get Valentine's cards/gifts for daughters, sisters, grandmothers, mothers, etc? No, that's just wrong. And retarded, and lame and gay. The bad kind of gay.
3.75 Oh, here. Mark Morford has written 2,000 words about his pubic hair . Hey, no one is forcing you to click the link. Click at your own risk, dude.
4. I'm trying not to be grumpy, I really am. Why should a "Hallmark holiday" make any difference? Pink cardboard hearts don't have anything to do with how I feel, and I made an attempt to look at cards, but none of them really said anything I want to say. There are just as many miles between us today as there were yesterday and the day before that. The only problem is that it sucked yesterday and the day before that and it still sucks today. It sucks big hairy goat balls. Her birthday, our anniversary, Valentine's Day, and my birthday. What was I thinking? Donkey balls.

I'm not sitting home and moping. Really. I went to the library and tried to study a little, and I'm going to the gym now, and then I'm going into Central London and this evening I got a couple of tickets to some kind of possibly gay comedy show which is being presented in the science museum, so that should be diverting. I invited my gay boyfriend as my date.
I think we have to work on looking up and smiling at the same time. [note: blogger picture server being lame. will update later].