The Weather and Everyone's Health
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
The yellow fog that rubs its back upon the window-panes
No, it's ok, I didn't really expect anyone to read that long blather. I think my own eyes would have glazed over about halfway through or something.
Anyway, it is very yellow outside at the moment. It's been cloudy/rainy all day, and now just as the sun is stretching and getting ready to set, a little more light is getting through, so the overall effect is yellow. Personally, I associate such a celestial color with tornado warnings.
In other news, I am debating whether to blog about Suze Orman coming out (see also here), but the more I think about it, the less remarkable it is, except that it's nice that it's unremarkable. Her reason for wanting to be able to marry her partner is so in-character it's hilarious.