The Weather and Everyone's Health
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Yeah, is overcast here, though in a kind of exciting "will-it-rain-or-not?" Spring way. I am tired and don't want to work, even though I am trying to. So I will tell you a couple of things.
- I neglected to mark it in particular, but about 33 posts ago I had my 300th post to this blog. w00t or something.
- We saw a lot of naked bodies in Paris. They were pretty much either painted or sculpted (um, as in marble, plaster, bronze, etc., not as in sculpted by Jake or whatever). As my lovely and talented girlfriend observed, if we had grown up around all that artistic nudity we'd be over a lot of stuff. You know, stuff about naked bodies that is part of the cultural hang-ups in the US. Like those parents who freaked out when their kids saw Michaelangelo's David (?IIRC)in a museum on a school trip...because it was naked! WTF.