The Weather and Everyone's Health
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Why do gyms play such crappy music?
That is the title of a recent article/blog post on Salon (click the link above to read the article). This is an issue close to my heart, but I was surprised as I read the article. You see, some time ago I reconciled myself to the fact that music that's good for working out to is usually music that I would hate in any other part of my life. In fact, I find myself more and more often switching to the "thumpy-stupid" station (which is also the one that comes over the speakers) when I'm running at the gym. Music that's interesting may make you wonder where the beat is, or may take liberties (e.g. rubato, accelerando) with the tempo, or may feature cadenzas, caesuras, fermatas, etc. Consistently thumpy music doesn't let you wonder; there's the beat! THERE IT IS! RIGHT THERE! I cannot stand listening to "dance" music, but it has its purpose: it is so full of consistent thumpyness that if you don't move to it you will pretty much go crazy. The people who make it know this and design it thusly.

faster tempos help increase heart rate during exercise but also notes that the type of music, be it a "Wagner opera or a Red Hot Chili Peppers tune," doesn't really matter. Similarly, research from London's Brunel University shows that when people listen to synchronous music -- music that matches the rhythm of their exercise -- they can endure 20 percent more exertion,

I doubt you'd find sufficient tempos in Wagner, even though his music can be quite full of emotion and movement. Of course I nearly spit my tea onto the screen when I saw where some of this research has been done, but I guess it's not surprising since we have a whole department of Sport Sciences here. Anyway, I couldn't agree more. I can feel it when that happens--when my pace and the music are synched--and it really gives me a boost. The other thing that can give me a boost is if it's a song I know. So, as much as I hate to admit it, what I'm thinking will probably be the best workout mix for me is one of those cheesy "gay dance party" CDs. C'est la vie. Don't think of it a music, think of it as vitamins.

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