The Weather and Everyone's Health
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
More things
Will try to focus on more positives so no one worries.
- My hostility to things is now only intermittent and is somewhat alleviated by the food we are given
- For example, box lunch yesterday (decent), continental breakfast this morning (very nice), pizza this evening (ok, the pizza was bad, but it was still there and free. The thought was good). There is also breakfast on Friday. The word continental was not mentioned. We shall see.
- Some classes seem very interesting and I don't think anything like them is offered anywhere else. Really. In the world.
- There are a lot of branches and ATMs of my bank. That's convenient for me.
- AND based on my online statement it appears that my last money from the UK has been transferred successfully (I was waiting for the last paycheck to be deposited). It's not a lot of money, but I think this is one time when the exchange rate benefited me, and it's an amount that I would have been upset to lose.
- Fall isn't all bad, I guess, since there are pumpkin-flavored things (in addition to, you know, reminders of mortality, darkness, cold, etc etc). For example, I have seen for sale but have not had (yet) pumpkin bagels, donuts, cream cheese and soup. I am most likely to have the soup. Had some carrot ginger soup this afternoon when it was cold and wet outside. Good stuff. Also some nice seasonal regional apples coming in.
Anyway here are other things that may not necessarily be positive, though they may not necessarily be negative:
- It smells different here. I think it is party due to the humidity. I hope there is less trash-can smell in the winter.
- It rained today, very hard and for most of the day though it stopped before dinner time. Good because I was wearing a sweater so I wasn't too hot (and in fact with the AC it was needed) bad because I had to buy an umbrella (which I paid too much for).
- Russian region to host Day of ConceptionUm, what? Why? I have trouble seeing why underpopulation is really a problem, unless you are some kind of racist/nationalist or something. If you need more workers, why not invite some Chinese guest workers or something? Even things out a bit.
- Hmm. I forgot what else I was going to say. It may have pertained to bagels. mmm, bagel...