The Weather and Everyone's Health
Thursday, January 26, 2006
The Latest
Hey, great news! Got the paperwork today to start working full-time at the lab (starting next Weds). It's just temporary--but the requisition is through April 1, and "can easily be extended if necessary." So that's good! And my last big paycheck from MUNI was printed yesterday, so I just have to figure out if they're mailing it to me or if I have to pick it up. But yeah, the good news is we're not going to have a big hole in our cash flow AFAIK. And the great thing about working at the lab is that I don't have to find another job to support volunteering in the lab! Woo-hoo!

So right now, I have confirmed:

And I have pending:

At this point, with everything else I've got, I might turn down the clerical work if they offer it to me so I don't get overwhelmed. On the other hand, I don't know what their timeframe is like, and if I get turned loose in April that might be a good thing to fall back on.

I'm really glad I'm not going to have to work 3 or 4 part time jobs. I was a little bit afraid that might be how it turned out.

Today I am going to focus on doing follow-up to the various meetings and interviews I've had this week and do some grocery shopping. I should also try to stick a little more statistics in my head.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006
News for today

Oh god, what am I going to wear? I need some "medium nice" pants. You know, nicer than jeans, but not really dressy. For some reasons my khakis have become unflattering and they look like high water pants. :-/ Better figure something out and get out there.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006
What I'm doing with myself
So it's true, I'm not working this week. You might wonder how I'm going to spend my time. I'll tell you.

Monday I worked all day at the lab, since I usually work a day there every week.

Tuesday (today) I don't have anything scheduled for the morning, but I did 3 loads of laundry over the weekend and now they are all put away in my dresser, so my bed is clear. Doing a little catching up on email, too, and finally listening to the soundtrack of Billy Elliot, The Musical (thanks BG!). Then

Wednesday is similar:

Thursday and Friday I'm probably going to take my bike in for a tune-up so I can start riding it places (because bus fare is obscene these days and I need the exercise) and hopefully meeting with my new part-time employer (we don't have a date yet, but he said "maybe later in the week"). Friday morning I might treat myself and go down the Downtown Oakland Farmer's Market. I've only been once, but it looked like a blast. The only problem is the persons I'd most like to go with are probably working at that time.

Throughout the week I'll also be trying to work out a couple times, finish this book about statistics, and read online about SPM and MATLAB (AND I found an "fMRI for Dummies" website that should be helpful). Also I'll be contacting people to schedule interviews for next week or down the line in the future.

Whew! Thank goodness for my new Franklin Covey planner sheets so I can keep track of it all.

Thursday, January 19, 2006
Last Day
Well, today is my last day at this job. It turns out that the total number of hours a person can work as a temp for the City and County of San Francisco is 1040 and it does not turn over with either the new fiscal year or the new calendar year, and perhaps not even with a new 12-month period. I got a 2-week notice two weeks ago, but because of the questions about the turn over, I wasn't sure until last Friday. Friday the 13th with a full moon.

It's an interesting mix of feelings. The good news is that my leaving happens to coincide with the return of the "old regime" and, well, I don't feel too bad about not working under the old regime. Not that anyone's bad or awful, just a major difference in personal and work style. I'm not entirely without prospects, but it's not like I'm walking into a full time job that I know of (I have a couple of part-time gigs and a promising temp opportunity, and they're certainly more career-related than this was). So I've been experiencing (alternately or together) relief, anxiety, elation. Am I being liberated from drudgery or thrown out in the street without a regular paycheck?

Yesterday I was taken out to lunch in honor of my departure. It was funny because I hadn't showered (water was turned off that AM for utility co. maintenance and we didn't see the notice on the door) and I was wearing the same clothes as the day before (because they were pretty much clean and I was seeing an entirely different set of people who wouldn't know). Except for my boss and the Old Regime, none of the people I worked closely with or developed relationships with came--I don't know if they were invited and I wasn't sure about the etiquette of inviting them myself--and at least one person I didn't know well but who was a friend of the Old Regime's was there.

I also didn't have much time, since I found out when I walked in that morning but at least there was the courtesy of asking me whether a Japanese place was ok. I said it wasn't because it might overemphasize seafood, which I do not eat, and my boss suggested an Ethiopian place which I had no problem with, and which we went to despite the apprehension of about half the invitees. One of them had never had Ethiopian food, but I told her it was not entirely unlike Indian food (she had previously asked me to recommend an Indian restaurant in SF since her favorite was closing) so she asked the waiter/manager what they had that was like Chicken Tikki Masala or Maklawana [sic].

I guess the way I've described it, it sounds like a let-down, but my expectations were very low so I wasn't disappointed. I felt like it was the last day of school and I had a humorous attitude about the whole lunch thing, so it was actually pretty funny.

So anyway, today I am just clearing out my desk and trying to take care of loose ends, delegate things on my "to-do" list that won't get done by me, etc. I might try to put together some information for whoever takes over the job next, beyond what I assembled for myself. I have learned a lot of things of various kinds working here, and if I have time tomorrow I might blog about that.

Meanwhile, I am just hoping I don't get sentimental when I turn in my badge and keys. I already got a little touchy-feely saying goodbye to my office supplies. I have a special bond with them, you know, because when the previous employee left this desk she raided it, so when I came on one of my first tasks was selecting all these babies from the Office Depot catalog. Now they're all laid out to sleep in the bottom drawer, almost like a funeral or a cryogenic chamber or something. I am debating whether to liberate some of them or not (I probably won't). Besides the rubber bands and pens, the one item that calls out to me is my Calypso staple remover. It is a thing of beauty and function, and I will remember it always.

Friday, January 06, 2006
Ha! You thought I was gone.

No, just busy. Work is actually busy, if you can believe it. I am "in charge" of a sort of emergency project because, as my boss said to his workers (whom I'm now "supervising") I'm "infinitely more organized than [him]." What a hoot! I hope no one ever figures out the truth...and that he sees me as a useful asset rather than a threat. And that my internet usage isn't monitored.

So, today we will have brief updates, a link to an interesting article on Salon, and at least part of today's Friday Five.


Here is the interesting story on Salon. I think if I added my comments here I would go on for too long, so my comment is: what does it say about me that I found this interesting, when some of the reponse-writers were appalled that the issue was even addressed?

And finally, the Friday Five (even though it's wordy and from Gord, it does lend itself to short, discrete answers):
here's the question:Our world is one in which many fully-literate citizens can be expected to know much more about entertainers than about the politicians who they're told represent them in government. It's easy for intellectual types like us Friday Fivers to dismiss pop stars, of course, but surely some of them interest us. What about living celebrities from the world of entertainment—meaning music, film, or television, but not including the world of the printed word except for those stars whose celebrity, though having originated in writing, has transcended this niche to household-name status? Which five "superstars" would you meet in person, if you had the chance to hand-pick them individually?

Ok, limiting myself to living persons and interpreting "meet in person" as something along the lines of "have lunch with" (as opposed to e.g. meet on a velvet rope):

In no order:

1. Tina Fey

2. Janeane Garofalo (I would have included Margaret Cho here, too, but I don't think we'd have that much to talk about)

3. Steve Martin (at least before I saw "Shopgirl")

Um...2 other people...I'll think of them. Meryl Streep? I'm sure she'd be very gracious. Do my answers surprise you? Who did you think I was going to put?

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