The Weather and Everyone's Health
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Submitted without comment

Monday, February 25, 2008
So I took a walk today, for the express purpose of listening to Jerry Springer: The Opera (Act I) on my iPod. And also for getting some fresh air while it was light out and since it was warm today (35-40 degrees). I walked by the park near my house, where I don't go often enough. I assembled a snowman from parts that were lying around (but I didn't make any of the parts). I can't believe I didn't get more excited about the 4" snow we had Saturday night. I need to buy some sort of plastic thing for going down hills on, and I need to make a snowman from scratch next time. Today would have been good for it since it was warm enough to make the snow stick together but not warm enough to melt it all, but I was wearing my wrong gloves.

Isn't it pretty? Don't you want to move here?

Saturday, February 23, 2008
A trip to the grocery store: untried new products that might appeal to me

So I feel like I should post something, just to keep things going here. I was reading through posts from last year recently, looking for one of my Jane Austen posts to share with some friends and I was surprised how many posts had actual content about significant things. Hmm. Interesting.

Well, this post is not going to be one of those.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Rain and clouds at 63 degrees
Is a completely different experience from rain at 33 degrees like we had last week. In fact, I am willing to make a deal with The Powers That Be in terms of precipitations:
I think we have a case. Maybe I'll start a petition.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Maybe bagels
Maybe I will give up bagels for lent. But as it is (starting this week, anyway) if I get a bagel I cut it in half and eat half and have the other half for a snack later. Maybe I should give up facebook or some other way that I end up wasting time. But I think some time is needed on those things. Just not as much.


Or maybe I should add something instead of giving something up.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Turn, Turn, Turn

Friday, February 01, 2008
Where god closes a door, he opens a window
So Futurama seems to be on every night at 9 on the comedy channel. That balances out the loss of the 6-7 Simpsons. I don't think we get a 10pm simpsons here anyway.

Also I found something that looks a lot like crumpets (and is labeled "crumpets") at the grocery store, so we'll see.

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